Friday, January 30, 2009

My average line speed today was 19 minutes

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My average line speed today was 26 minutes. I ended off on the end of lesson 7. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today I ended lesson 6. My average line speed was and sill is 17 minutes. 

do now 1/28/09

How can reviewing in Rag's to Riches/QUIA help you? 
               Rag's to Riches teaches and quizzes us on the agreement we made in the beginning of the semester. It can also help you to learn that you need actually study and review your homework or worksheet so that you may understand it and know it already. You should be able to know the rules and basics stuff of the computer. Like never eating or drinking in the computer lab or around any computer.